jueves, 27 de mayo de 2010

How does behave the Mexican stock market?

The Mexican market has a behavior intimately linked with the behavior of the United States market, specifically the Dow Jones Industrials 30 (although it is also important to follow the S&P 500).

The BMV (acronyms mean -MSE- Mexican Stock Exchange) follow the U.S. market over the medium term:
a) In cases presented detached market movements, over the medium term, however, movements are corrected.
b) The only factor that affects and creates differences is the currency exchange rate.

The reasons for this are:
a) The Mexican economy is dependent on the U.S.. The Mexican domestic market is irrelevant in economic terms.
b) Large Mexican companies traded on both markets.
c) These companies are usually international, then their movements (fundamentals) are global.
d) The size of the mexican market is much smaller than the U.S., which makes their movements affect the mexican market.

So. Why this blog? Do not just watch the DJI?
a) Not all companies behave as the market average, as in the United States.
b) Mexico is part of the emerging countries themselves will play an important role in the global economy and sometimes will broke away from the industrialized economies.
c) Mexico's economy is fragile and dependent on the United States, so that sometimes magnify the consequences of their movements.
d) Mexico stock market has repeatedly been a better alternative to invest than the United States stock market.

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